Our approach
Our fields and the winery produces authentic natural wine from Brandenburg. The fields with their grape variety are shaped as islands of biodiversity. In the winery produces natural yeast a distinctive product. All manual work without mechanic or chemical Interventions - just with time and love.

Sosna 22 | Mitja 21 | Kvevri 21 | Lola 21 | Utopia 20 | 17nächte 22

Events only: CB + Chardonnay Orange 22 | PetNat 22
Natural Wine Shop
Weinfelder | Vineyards
Am Bauernsee Dobbrikow 270 vines
Weingarten Dobbrikow 540 vines
Weingarten Hennickendorf 900 vines
Agroforst Weinbergstrasse 450 vines
Kloster Zinna and Altes Lager
Currently we have three young wines maturing in our winery and in the lake in Dobbrikow. Likely to be full-grown wines 05/24:

Mitja 22 (lake)
Lola 22
Kvevri 22
Wine & hike 15.10.2023

Mail to: Antje | Gernot

We are located at the heart of the nature park Nuthe-Nieplitz, just one hour south of Berlin. To test our hospitality – please get in contact with us (0163 4017550 or mail) to make an appointment. Thanks!

Collective Work
We need help
Register here
2-4 Infomails / Year

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